
BlackHole leading to Feodo: Bank of America account frozen

I've received a Christmas gift some hours ago. In fact there were two gifts but only one has survived the trip. They are from Russia...with love. Of course I'm talking about two e-mails I've received with two suspicious links. Even the e-mail bodies were suspicious, I think they have packed very quickly my gifts or they are not very attentive to me...:( The From field included "bankofamerica" and the Subject "Accountfrozen" so I suppose this means that my Bank of America account is frozen, right?

After some redirections we can find the typical obfuscated Javascript code made in BlackHole:

After decoding the Javascript code we obtain the next step, also related to BlackHole. This time I can only see a unique Flash exploit trying to download and execute a binary from the same domain where the exploit kit is located (shellcode is XORed with 0x28).

Nueva campaña de distribución de ZeuS P2P: ACH transaction canceled

Desde hace unos días se está llevando a cabo una campaña de distribución del troyano ZeuS a través de correo electrónico que ha sido detectada por nuestro equipo. Los correos maliciosos incluyen un link a un supuesto informe sobre una transacción cancelada, que realmente es una página HTML que carga en el navegador de la víctima código Javascript. Este código intenta explotar diferentes vulnerabilidades de Java, Flash y PDF para instalar en el sistema un ZeuS 2.0, una de las últimas versiones que usa P2P como parte de su infraestructura.

Los correos detectados tienen como asunto “ACH transaction canceled” e incluyen en el cuerpo información sobre una supuesta transacción que se ha cancelado. Si se quieren conocer más detalles se debe visitar un link que lleva al informe de la transacción:

Mientras la víctima visualiza por unos segundos una pantalla que le indica que espere se cargan en el navegador del usuario 4 scripts diferentes, alojados en dominios diferentes. Éstos no son más que simples redirecciones hacia el sitio que realmente alberga el código que intentará la explotación.

Analysis of a malicious PDF from a SEO Sploit Pack

According to a Kaspersky Lab article, SEO Sploit Pack is one of the Exploit Kits which appeared in the first months of the year, being PDF and Java vulnerabilities the most used in these type of kits. That's the reason why I've chosen to analyse a malicious PDF file downloaded from a SEO Sploit Pack. The PDF file kissasszod.pdf was downloaded from hxxp:// and it had a low detection rate. So taking a look at the file with peepdf we can see this information:

In a quick look we can see that there are Javascript code in object 8 and that the element /AcroForm is probably used to execute something when the document is opened. The next step is to explore these objects and find out what will be executed:

ToorCon Seattle 2011

Como comenté en el anterior post, justo después de la Source Seattle de la semana pasada comenzaba la ToorCon también en Seattle, así que algunos ponentes aprovecharon para presentar las mismas u otras ponencias en ambas conferencias. El viernes 17 fue la apertura, con una pequeña fiesta, pero no sería hasta el día siguiente cuando comenzarían las ponencias. Se trataba nada más y nada menos que de treinta charlas, de quince minutos cada una, con un pequeño descanso para comer. En total un día entero de ponencias, de 8:30 a 17:00, que se dice pronto.

Source Seattle 2011

La semana pasada se celebró la conferencia Source en Seattle (Estados Unidos). Se trataba de la primera edición en esta ciudad, por lo que no tuvo una asistencia como puede tener la edición de Boston, pero el ambiente fue magnífico. Desde el martes 14 ya se comenzó con un evento para los ponentes y organizadores con el objetivo de conocerse y disfrutar de unas cervezas y buena comida asiática. Yo fui el representante del equipo de S21sec e-crime con una charla sobre troyanos bancarios.

Obfuscation and (non-)detection of malicious PDF files

Hace ya más de dos meses que hablé en la Rooted CON (Madrid) sobre diferentes técnicas para ocultar y ofuscar archivos PDF maliciosos. El viernes pasado volví a realizar la misma presentación en el CARO 2011 (Praga), aunque actualizando los datos y con demo de peepdf incluida.

La idea es usar ciertas malformaciones de los documentos, comentadas en las ponencias de Julia Wolf, y la propia especificación del formato PDF para evitar que los motores antivirus y los parsers de PDFs lleguen a encontrar el contenido malicioso. Para esta tarea hay que tener en cuenta diferentes aspectos de la estructura de este tipo de documentos y mezclarlos para obtener el deseado archivo no detectado. Algunas de las más importante son las siguientes:

peepdf v0.1: nueva herramienta de análisis y modificación de archivos PDF

Como ya comenté en mi post anterior, hace unos días se publicó la primera versión de peepdf. Se trata de una herramienta escrita en Python y enfocada al análisis de archivos PDF, por lo que su objetivo principal es el discernir si un documento PDF es malicioso o no. Se presenta inicialmente con una interfaz de consola interactiva donde se pueden ejecutar diferentes comandos para recabar información acerca del archivo. La idea es no tener que usar múltiples herramientas para decodificar objetos, analizar código Javascript o la shellcode, sino usar únicamente una herramienta (con sus wrappers) para el análisis de PDFs. También podéis encontrar la herramienta en la última versión de la distribución BackTrack (¡gracias al equipo de BackTrack!).

Las principales funcionalidades de peepdf son las siguientes:


  • Decodificación: hexadecimal, octal, objetos name
  • Implementación de los filtros más usados
  • Referencias en objetos
  • Listado de objetos donde se referencia a otro objeto

Enlaces de seguridad en PDFs de 2010: análisis y herramientas

Después de un año repleto de incidentes relacionados con el Portable Document Format (PDF) está bien mirar atrás y recordar algunos de los más importantes. A continuación se enumeran los enlaces de análisis de documentos PDF maliciosos y/o ofuscados, así como algunas herramientas que han hecho aparición en 2010. Espero que las disfrutéis! ;)


2010-01-04: Sophisticated, targeted malicious PDF documents exploiting CVE-2009-4324 (binarios embebidos)

2010-01-07: Static analysis of malicous PDFs (Part #2) (getAnnots, arguments.callee)

2010-01-09: PDF Obfuscation (sustitución de variables, LuckySploit, CVE 2008-2992)

2010-01-13: Generic PDF exploit hider. and goodbye AV detection

2010-01-14: PDF Obfuscation using getAnnots() (getAnnots, arguments.callee, Neosploit)

2010-02-15: Filling Adobe's heap (Javascript, ActionScript e imágenes en PDFs)

2010-02-18: Malicious PDF trick: getPageNthWord

2010-02-21: Analyzing PDF exploits with Pyew

CVE-2010-1797 PDF exploit for Foxit Reader <= 4.0

After the Jailbreakme PDF vulnerability explanation I'm gonna publish the proof of concept of the same vulnerability for Foxit Reader. This is a patched vuln for this product so I suppose there will be no problem with that. Like I said, we can use a 116-bytes shellcode without the necessity of another exploiting stage, so I've modified this calc.exe shellcode for this PoC.

This exploit generates a PDF file which can be used against Foxit Reader in Windows XP and Windows Vista.  This is functional only for the latest versions of Foxit Reader but it's very easy to modify it for other ones (there is an example in the exploit for the 3.0). You can find the python script in the Exploits section or directly here. Enjoy it!! ;)

Vulnerability: FreeType Compact Font Format (CFF) Stack Based Buffer Overflow [CVE-2010-1797] [BID-42241]
Affected product: Foxit Reader <= 4.0
Platform: Windows XP, Windows Vista
Type: Code execution
Publication date: 2010-08-23
Vulnerability: OPAL SIP Protocol Remote Denial of Service [CVE-2007-04924] [BID-25955] [S21sec-037]
Affected product: OPAL <= 2.2.8 (also the applications which use this library, for example Ekiga <= 2.0.9)
Platform: Any
Type: Remote Denial of Service

More about the JailbreakMe PDF exploit

Today has been released the source code of the Jailbreakme exploit, so maybe this explanation comes a bit late. In the update of the previous post about this subject I knew that I was right about the overflow in the arguments stack when parsing the charstrings in the Type 2 format, so here is a little more info.

After decoding the stream of the object 13 we can see the following bytes (talking about this file):


The selected bytes are the important ones for this exploit because the overflow occurs when parsing them. Like I mentioned, the Type 2 format is composed of operands, operators and numbers, and use the stack to push and pop values. This stack has a maximum size of 48 elements. We can understand better the meaning of these bytes with this tips:


About the JailbreakMe PDF exploit

Some days ago Comex published his JailbreakMe for the new iPhone 4 in the Defcon 18. The interesting thing is that in order to root the device he used a PDF exploit for Mobile Safari to execute arbitrary code and after this another kernel vuln to gain elevated privileges. I've being taking a look at the PDF files with peepdf and these are my thoughts about it.

The PDF file itself has no many objects and only one encoded stream:

The stream is encoded with a simple FlateDecode filter, without parameters, and if we decode its content we can see this strings, related to the JailbreakMe stuff:
As this object seems to contain the vulnerability we are looking for we'll take a closer look to this stream and what this is for:

WzdFTPD < 8.1 Denial of Service

ID: CVE-2007-0428  BID-22131  BID-22152

Product: WzdFTPD is a ftp server designed to be modular and portable, work under linux/win32/freebsd/openbsd, and to be entirely configurable online using SITE commands. It supports SSL, IPv6, multithreading, external scripts, and it uses Unix-like permissions and ACLs, with virtual users and groups.

WzdFTPD project also supports bandwidth limitation (per user, per group, or globally), group administrators, and per command authorization.

Scope: Remote Denial of Service

Severity: Medium


  • [2006-12-26] Vulnerability discovered
  • [2007-01-08] Vendor contacted (without answer)
  • [2007-01-19] Vulnerability published
  • [2007-01-31] Patched

Platforms: Any

Author: Jose Miguel Esparza

Affected versions: WzdFTPD < 8.1

Description: This vulnerability it's due to a bad truncation of blocks and later ruling out of the characters carriage return (\r), line feed (\n) and horizontal tab (\t) after authentication, resulting in a null character that the function chtlb_lookup is not able to handle.

Pwlib/Ekiga Denial of Service

ID: CVE-2007-04897  BID-25642

Product: PWLib is a moderately large C++ class library that originated many years ago as a method to produce applications that run on both Microsoft Windows and Unix X-Windows systems. It also was to have a Macintosh port as well, but this never eventuated. The library is used extensively by many companies for both commercial and Open Source products. The motivation in making PWLib available as Open Source was primarily to support the OpenH323 project, but it is definitely useful as a stand-alone library.

Scope: Remote Denial of Service

Severity: Low-Medium


  • [2007-05-14] Vulnerability discovered
  • [2007-07-09] Vendor contacted
  • [2007-08-15] Ekiga patched
  • [2007-09-11] Vulnerability published
  • [2007-09-27] Pwlib patched

Platforms: Any

Author: Jose Miguel Esparza

Affected versions: Pwlib <= 1.10.0 (also the applications which use this library, for example Ekiga <= 2.0.7)

OPAL SIP Protocol Remote Denial of Service

ID: CVE-2007-04924  BID-25955

Product: OPAL (Open Phone Abstraction Layer) is an implementation of various telephony and video communication protocols for use over packet based networks. It's based on code from the OpenH323 project and adds new features such as a stream based architecture, better support for re-use or removal of sub-components, and explicit support for additional protocols.

Scope: Remote Denial of Service

Severity: Low-Medium


  • [2007-06-11] Vulnerability discovered
  • [2007-07-09] Vendor contacted
  • [2007-08-15] Patched
  • [2007-09-17] New version released
  • [2007-10-08] Vulnerability published

Platforms: Any

Author: Jose Miguel Esparza

Affected versions: OPAL <= 2.2.8 (also the applications which use this library, for example Ekiga <= 2.0.9)

Description: Thanks to an insufficient input validation of the Content-Length field of a SIP request it is possible to write a null byte causing a denial of service (crash) of the application using this library.


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