After some time without releasing any new version here is peepdf v0.3. It is not that I was not working in the project, but since the option to update the tool from the command line was released creating new versions became a secondary task. Besides this, since January 2014 Google removed the option to upload new downloads to the Google Code projects, so I had to figure out how to do it. From now on, all new releases will be hosted at eternal-todo.com, in the releases section.
The differences with version 0.2 are noticeable: new commands and features have been added, some libraries have been updated, detection for more vulnerabilities have been added, a lot of bug fixes, etc. This is the list of the most important changes (full changelog here):
Submitted by jesparza on Mon, 2014/06/16 - 19:38
I am used to receive SPAM emails containing zips and exes, even "PDF files" with double extension (.pdf.exe), but some days ago I received an email with a PDF file attached, without any .exe extension and it didn't look like a Viagra advertisement. Weird. I didn't have time to take a look at it, but the next day I received another one, with a different subject. The subject of the first email was “Invoice 454889 April” from Sue Mockridge (motherlandjjw949 at gmail.com) attaching “April invoice 819953.pdf” (eae0827f3801faa2a58b57850f8da9f5), and the second one “Image has been sent jesparza” from Evernote Service (message at evernote.com, but really protectoratesl9 at gmail.com) attaching “Agreemnet-81220097.pdf” (2a03ac24042fc35caa92c847638ca7c2).
At this point I was really curious so I took a look at them with peepdf.
Submitted by jesparza on Tue, 2014/05/20 - 23:51
I was already missing these SPAM emails with some advice about my sexual life: “Your woman wants you to be the best lover”, “The greatest technique to gratify your lady”, etc. I was getting upset about this, I needed some help...;p
So finally I am receiving a lot of these again. After visiting the link (hxxp://goozix.com/its.html) we can see a redirection to a page to buy Viagra and other “medicines”. But also there is some malicious Javascript code hidden there. The result of the deobfuscation contains code to create a cookie (“visited_uq=55”) and also an iframe to load the URL hxxp://gylaqim.com/exit.php. This domain, created on the 21st of September, resolves each time to a different IP and has a history of more than 400 IPs. It has 6 authoritative DNS servers, ns*.gylaqim.com, also resolving to multiple IPs.
Depending on the server which is responding after visiting hxxp://gylaqim.com/exit.php we will be redirected to another initial page - with another redirection to a Viagra site plus malicious Javascript code - or to the actual exploit kit.
The initial pages seen until the moment are the following:
hxxp:// hxxp:// hxxp://actes-lyon.org/true.html hxxp://aybabtu.ru/express.html hxxp://brave.net.nz/ocean.html hxxp://goozix.com/its.html hxxp://moniwild.sakura.ne.jp/average.html hxxp://rodinr.511.com1.ru/angle.html hxxp://southeasterntrains-fail.com/somewhere.html hxxp://toys-store.net/dawn.html
Submitted by jesparza on Tue, 2013/10/08 - 00:11
As I already announced in the last blog post, I was in Las Vegas giving a workshop about how to analyze exploit kits and PDF documents at BlackHat. The part related to exploit kits included some tips to analyze obfuscated Javascript code manually and obtain the exploit URLs or/and shellcodes. The tools needed to accomplish this task were just a text editor, a Javascript engine like Spidermonkey, Rhino or PyV8, and some tool to beautify the code (like peepdf ;p). In a generic way, we can say that the steps to analyze an exploit kit page are the following:
- Removing unnecessary HTML tags
- Convert HTML elements which are called in the Javascript code to Javascript variables
- Find and replace eval functions with prints, for example, or hook the eval function if it is possible (PyV8)
- Execute the Javascript code
- Beautify the code
- Find shellcodes and exploit URLs
- Repeat if necessary
Submitted by jesparza on Sun, 2013/08/18 - 22:14
BlackHat USA 2013 is here and tomorrow I will be explaining how to analyze exploit kits and PDF documents in my workshop “PDF Attack: From the Exploit Kit to the Shellcode” from 14:15 to 16:30 in the Florentine room. It will be really practical so bring your laptop and expect a practical session ;) All you need is a Linux distribution with pylibemu and PyV8 installed to join the party. You can run all on Windows too if you prefer.
Now Spidermonkey is not needed because I decided to change the Javascript engine to PyV8, it really works better. Take a look at the automatic analysis of the Javascript code using Spidermonkey (left) and PyV8 (right).
Submitted by jesparza on Wed, 2013/07/31 - 12:40
Just some hours after the bombings during the Boston Marathon we already had several spam campaigns using that subject to infect users. It seems that cybercriminals don't respect anything, did we really expect something different? :p
On the past Wednesday I received four emails talking about the Boston incident. They were really suspicious, just a URL in the body, the URLs had just an IP instead of a good domain...I think someone was in a rush trying to profit from this as soon as possible, while it was still on the news...
The subjects were:
BREAKING - Boston Marathon Explosion Explosion at the Boston Marathon Aftermath to explosion at Boston Marathon Explosions at the Boston Marathon
And the URLs I saw:
hxxp://94.28.49 .130/boston.html hxxp://78.90.133 .133/boston.html hxxp://118.141.37 .122/news.html hxxp://110.92.80 .47/news.html
These URLs leaded to a simple webpage with six iframes. Five of them pointed to real videos about the tragedy and the other one redirected to a RedKit exploit kit which was trying to exploit a CVE-2012-1723 Java vulnerability (take a look at the vulnerability explanation). Also, a Meta Refresh Tag was leading to this URL:
Submitted by jesparza on Sun, 2013/04/21 - 21:50
After lunch it was Sergey Bratus and Travis Goodspeed's turn to speak about the security of USB ports, telling how it is possible to compromise the whole system via a unattended USB port. This was a really interesting talk that one can explore by himself taking a look at some good documentation on Travis' blog.
The talk “We Came In Peace – They Don’t: Hackers vs. CyberWar” by FX was next. He gave his opinion about the actual cyberwarfare and the difference between the point of view of Governments and cybersecurity experts about this subject. Some ideas from his talk: avoid the use of 0-days as weapons through Full-Disclosure, learn how to protect you playing CTFs and don't give up.
Submitted by jesparza on Sun, 2013/04/07 - 14:16
Until now I had not had enough time to write about my experience at my first Troopers. Due to some good comments about it I had had in mind going to Troopers since some time ago, but for one reason or another I hadn't been able to do it. Last year I had the opportunity to share table with Enno Rey, Troopers organizer and CEO of ERNW, at BlackHat Europe. That time I saw they were a good team and good people, and this year, living closer to Heidelberg, I had no excuses to go.
I arrived in Heidelberg at 3:30AM after 9 hours on the road due to the bad weather conditions. I was able to rest to be ready for the talks in the next morning. I missed the keynote by Rodrigo Branco, but I heard that it was really good. The first talk I attended was “Paparazzi over IP” by Daniel Mende and Pascal Turbing about hacking a CANON camera, equipped with a wireless adapter and other features. The result was that it was possible to see all the photographs taken, control the device remotely and intercept the images while they were about to be sent to a cloud storage.
Submitted by jesparza on Sun, 2013/04/07 - 13:52
After the exploit static analysis some things like the function of the shellcode were unclear, so a dynamic analysis could throw some light on it. When we open the exploit without the Javascript code used for heap spraying we obtain an access violation error in rt3d.dll. If we put a breakpoint in the same point when we launch the original exploit we can see this ( better explanation of the vulnerability):
Instead of showing an access violation the CALL function is pointing to a valid address in icucnv36.dll, 0x4A8453C3. This address is not random and it's used in the Javascript code to perform part of the heap spraying:
Submitted by jesparza on Mon, 2012/01/23 - 17:30
CVE-2011-2462 was published more than one month ago. It's a memory corruption vulnerability related to U3D objects in Adobe Reader and it affected all the latest versions from Adobe (<=9.4.6 and <= 10.1.1). It was discovered while it was being actively exploited in the wild, as some analysis say. Adobe released a patch for it 10 days after its publication. I'm going to analyse a PDF file exploiting this vulnerability with peepdf to show some of the new commands and functions in action.
As usual, a first look at the information of the file:
I've highlighted the interesting information of the info command: one error while parsing the document, one object (15) containing Javascript code, one object (4) containing two ways of executing elements (/AcroForm, /OpenAction) and one U3D object (10), suspicious for its known vulnerabilities, apart of the latest one.
So we have several objects to explore, let's start from the /AcroForm element (object 4):
Submitted by jesparza on Mon, 2012/01/16 - 18:22
I've received a Christmas gift some hours ago. In fact there were two gifts but only one has survived the trip. They are from Russia...with love. Of course I'm talking about two e-mails I've received with two suspicious links. Even the e-mail bodies were suspicious, I think they have packed very quickly my gifts or they are not very attentive to me...:( The From field included "bankofamerica" and the Subject "Accountfrozen" so I suppose this means that my Bank of America account is frozen, right?
After some redirections we can find the typical obfuscated Javascript code made in BlackHole:
After decoding the Javascript code we obtain the next step, also related to BlackHole. This time I can only see a unique Flash exploit trying to download and execute a binary from the same domain where the exploit kit is located (shellcode is XORed with 0x28).
Submitted by jesparza on Thu, 2011/12/29 - 03:31
According to a Kaspersky Lab article, SEO Sploit Pack is one of the Exploit Kits which appeared in the first months of the year, being PDF and Java vulnerabilities the most used in these type of kits. That's the reason why I've chosen to analyse a malicious PDF file downloaded from a SEO Sploit Pack. The PDF file kissasszod.pdf was downloaded from hxxp://marinada3.com/88/eatavayinquisitive.php and it had a low detection rate. So taking a look at the file with peepdf we can see this information:
In a quick look we can see that there are Javascript code in object 8 and that the element /AcroForm is probably used to execute something when the document is opened. The next step is to explore these objects and find out what will be executed:
Submitted by jesparza on Mon, 2011/11/14 - 01:03
After the Jailbreakme PDF vulnerability explanation I'm gonna publish the proof of concept of the same vulnerability for Foxit Reader. This is a patched vuln for this product so I suppose there will be no problem with that. Like I said, we can use a 116-bytes shellcode without the necessity of another exploiting stage, so I've modified this calc.exe shellcode for this PoC.
This exploit generates a PDF file which can be used against Foxit Reader in Windows XP and Windows Vista. This is functional only for the latest versions of Foxit Reader but it's very easy to modify it for other ones (there is an example in the exploit for the 3.0). You can find the python script in the Exploits section or directly here. Enjoy it!! ;)
Submitted by jesparza on Mon, 2010/08/23 - 23:18