twitCheck |
Language: Python
Publication date: 2011-08-16
Update: 2013-09-08
Description: Simple script to show details of a given Twitter account: basic account information, inactivity of friends, new and lost followers, etc.
Requirements: Tweepy
Usage: twitter_user
$ ./ eternaltodo ####################################################################################
User: eternaltodo
Name: Jose Miguel Esparza
Location: Pamplona
Language: es
Time Zone: Madrid
Creation: 2010-02-02 20:58:00
Last tweet: 2011-08-14 08:09:33
Friends: 174
Inactive Friends (12):
[2009-04-26 02:21:29] chris astacio (castacio)
[2010-12-09 16:05:01] XSS Hacker (hackersorg)
[2011-03-28 10:51:52] themoux (them0ux)
[2011-04-06 21:20:07] Felipe Manzano (feliam)
[2011-04-18 11:00:25] TROOPERS Conference (WEareTROOPERS)
[2011-04-22 05:17:22] Yuange (yuange1975)
[2011-04-28 12:46:02] CARO Workshop (caroworkshop)
[2011-05-14 11:01:45] Adrian P. (pagvac)
[2011-05-26 21:01:42] Ero (erocarrera)
[2011-05-30 17:21:10] Alvaro Ramon (alramonl)
[2011-06-02 20:59:48] Pablo Catalina (xkill)
[2011-06-18 15:37:34] TyMoPHoNO (TyMoPHoNO)
Followers: 306
New Followers (3):
Joseph McCray (j0emccray)
Max Nash (MaxNash1)
dorel (d0re1)
Lost Followers (1):
Santiago Vicente (smvicente)