
Detecting ZeuS

In the S21sec blog we have been talking some time ago about our dear friend, almost one more colleague: ZeuS. It is a malware with more than 3 years of life which continues changing and evolving to hide itself better and making the fraud more efficient. But what we maybe have not mentioned yet is how to know if our little friend is here, spying all our movements and reporting all of this to its parents, because sometimes the AV software is not so effective as we expect.

There are several evidences in its different versions which mean that we are infected with ZeuS:

  • Filesystem
  • ZeuS leaves a trace in the filesystem when it's installed in the computer, but it hides and blocks all the files it creates, avoiding that a normal user can see and delete them. The solution to find these files is using antirootkit software which will show us the hidden files.

Analysis of malicious PDF files

As I mentioned before, one of the ways to hide information in a PDF file is trough the encoding/compression of streams, thanks to filters (/Filter parameter), being /FlateDecode the most used. The bad guys have been using it some time ago to hide obfuscated Javascript code with some vulnerable functions (Collab.collectEmailInfo, util.printf, getAnnots, getIcon, spell.customDictionaryOpen), or using heap-spraying to exploit another vulnerability not related with Javascript, like the /JBIG2Decode filter one.

To help in the analysis of these malicious files I've written a mini Python tool, using Spidermonkey to execute the found Javascript code and showing the shellcode to be launched. Automating the execution of obfuscated Javascript code is not a simple issue because there are many ways of doing it and everyday a new one arises, so I've tried to do an approximation to the problem, thanks to the malicious samples that I've seen. In the case the script won't be able to go till the end it's possible to specify the parameter -w to write to disk the Javascript code, helping to carry out a later manual analysis.

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