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Categories: Security Posts

A Catastrophic Hospital Hack Ends in a Leak of 300M Patient Records

Wired: Security - 22 min 3 sec ago
Plus: Alleged Apple source code leaks online, cybercrime group Scattered Spider's alleged kingpin gets arrested, and more.
Categories: Security Posts

Perplexity Plagiarized Our Story About How Perplexity Is a Bullshit Machine

Wired: Security - Fri, 2024/06/21 - 19:22
Experts aren’t unanimous about whether the AI-powered search startup’s practices could expose it to legal claims ranging from infringement to defamation—but some say plaintiffs would have strong cases.
Categories: Security Posts

The US bans Kaspersky products, citing security risks - what this means for you

Zero Day | ZDNet RSS Feed - Fri, 2024/06/21 - 16:34
Kaspersky users in the US have until September 29 to find alternative security software.
Categories: Security Posts

EuroLLVM 2024 trip report

By Marek Surovič and Henrich Lauko EuroLLVM is a developer meeting focused on projects under the LLVM Foundation umbrella that live in the LLVM GitHub monorepo, like Clang and—more recently, thanks to machine learning research—the MLIR framework. Trail of Bits, which has a history in compiler engineering and all things LLVM, sent a bunch of our compiler specialists to the meeting, where we presented on two of our projects: VAST, an MLIR-based compiler for C/C++, and PoTATo, a novel points-to analysis approach for MLIR. In this blog post, we share our takeaways and experiences from the developer meeting, which spanned two days and included a one-day pre-conference workshop. Security awareness A noticeable difference from previous years was the emerging focus on security. There appears to be a growing drive within the LLVM community to enhance the security of the entire software ecosystem. This represents a relatively new development in the compiler community, with LLVM leadership actively seeking expertise on the topic. The opening keynote introduced the security theme, asserting it has become the third pillar of compilers alongside optimization and translation. Kristof Beyls of ARM delivered the keynote, providing a brief history of how the concerns and role of compilers have evolved. He emphasized that security is now a major concern, alongside correctness and performance. The technical part of the keynote raised an interesting question: Does anyone verify that security mitigations are correctly applied, or applied at all? To answer this question, Kristof implemented a static binary analysis tool using BOLT. The mitigations Kristof picked to verify were -fstack-clash-protection and -mbranch-protection=standard, particularly its pac-ret mechanism. The evaluation of the BOLT-based scanner was conducted on libraries within a Fedora 39 AArch64-linux distribution, comprising approximately 3,000 installed packages. For pac-ret, analysis revealed 2.5 million return instructions, with 46 thousand lacking proper protection. Scanning 1,920 libraries that use -fstack-clash-protection identified 39 as potentially vulnerable, although some could be false positives. An intriguing discussion arose regarding the preference for BOLT over tools like IDA, Ghidra, or Angr from the reverse-engineering domain. The distinction lies in BOLT’s suitability for batch processing of binaries, unlike the user-interactivity focus of IDA or Ghidra. Furthermore, the advantage of BOLT is that it supports the latest target architecture changes since it is part of the compilation pipeline, whereas reverse engineering tools often lag behind, especially concerning more niche instructions.
For further details, Kristof’s RFC on the LLVM discourse provides additional information. For those interested in compiler hardening, the OpenSSF guidelines offer a comprehensive overview. Additionally, for a more in-depth discussion of security for compiler engineers, we suggest reading the Low Level Software Security online book. It’s still a work in progress, and contributions to the guidelines are welcome. One notable talk on program analysis and debugging was Incremental Symbolic Execution for the Clang Static Analyzer, which discussed how the Clang Static Analyzer can now cache results. This innovation helps keep diagnostic information relevant across codebase changes and minimizes the need to invoke the analyzer. Another highlight was Mojo Debugging: Extending MLIR and LLDB, which explored new developments in LLDB, allowing its use outside the Clang environment. This talk also covered the potential upstreaming of a debug dialect from the Modular warehouse. MLIR is not (only) about machine learning MLIR is a compiler infrastructure project that gained traction thanks to the machine learning (ML) boom. The ML in MLIR, however, stands for Multi-Level, and the project allows for much more than just tinkering with tensors. SiFive, renowned for their work on RISC-V, employs it in circuit design, among other applications. Compilers for general-purpose languages using MLIR are also emerging, such as JSIR Dialect for JavaScript, Mojo as a superset of Python, ClangIR, and our very own VAST for C/C++. The MLIR theme of this developer meeting could be summarized as “Figuring out how to make the most of LLVM and MLIR in a shared pipeline.” A number of speakers presented work that, in one way or another, concluded that many performance optimizations are better done in MLIR thanks to its better abstraction. LLVM then is mainly responsible for code generation to the target machine code. After going over all the ways MLIR is slow compared to LLVM, Jeff Niu (Modular) remarked that in the Mojo compiler, most of the runtime is still spent in LLVM. The reason is simple: there’s just more input to process when code gets compiled down to LLVM. A team from TU Munich even opted to skip LLVM IR entirely and generate machine-IR (MIR) directly, yielding ~20% performance improvement in a Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation workload. Those intrigued by MLIR internals should definitely catch the second conference keynote on Efficient Idioms in MLIR. The keynote delved into performance comparisons of different MLIR primitives and patterns. It gave developers a good intuition about the costs of performing operations such as obtaining an attribute or iterating or mutating the IR. On a similar topic, the talk Deep Dive on Interfaces Implementation gave a better insight into a cornerstone of MLIR genericity. These interfaces empower dialects to articulate common concepts like side effects, symbols, and control flow interactions. The talk elucidated their implementation details and the associated overhead incurred in striving for generality. Region-based analysis Another interesting trend we’ve noticed is that several independent teams have found that analyses traditionally defined using control flow graphs based on basic blocks may achieve better runtime performance when performed using a representation with region-based control flow. This improvement is mainly because analyses do not need to reconstruct loop information, and the overall representation is smaller and therefore quicker to analyze. The prime example presented was dataflow analysis done inside the Mojo compiler. For cases like Mojo, where you’re starting with source code and compiling down an MLIR-based pipeline, switching to region-based control flow for analyses is only a matter of doing the analysis earlier in the pipeline. Other users are not so lucky and need to construct regions from traditional control flow graphs. If you’re one of those people, you’re not alone. Teams in the high-performance computing industry are always looking for ways to squeeze more performance from their loops, and having loops explicitly represented as regions instead of hunting for them in a graph makes a lot of things easier. This is why MLIR now has a pass to lift control flow graphs to regions-based control flow. Sounds familiar? Under the hood, our LLVM-to-C decompiler Rellic does something very similar. Not everything is sunshine and rainbows when using regions for control flow, though. The regions need to have a single-entry and single-exit. Many programming languages, however, allow constructs like break and continue inside loop bodies. These are considered abnormal entries or exits. Thankfully, with so much chatter around regions, core MLIR developers have noticed and are cooking up a major new feature to address this. As presented during the MLIR workshop, the newly designed region-based control flow will allow specifying the semantics of constructs like continue or break. The idea is pretty simple: these operations will yield a termination signal and forward control flow to some parent region that captures this signal. Unfortunately, this still does not allow us to represent gotos in our high-level representation, as the signaling mechanism does allow users to pass control-flow only to parent regions. C/C++ successor languages The last major topic at the conference was, as is expected in light of recent developments, successor languages to C/C++. One such effort is Carbon, which had a dedicated panel. The panel questions ranged from technical ones, like how refactoring tools will be supported, to more managerial ones, like how Carbon will avoid being overly influenced by the needs of Google, which is currently the main supporter of the project. For a more comprehensive summary of the panel, check out this excellent blog post by Alex Bradbury. Other C++ usurpers had their mentions, too—particularly Rust and Swift. Both languages recognize the authority of C++ in the software ecosystem and have their own C++ interoperability story. Google’s Crubit was mentioned for Rust during the Carbon panel, and Swift had a separate talk on interoperability by Egor Zhdan of Apple. Our contributions Our own Henrich Lauko gave a talk on a new feature coming to VAST, our MLIR-based compiler for C/C++: the Tower of IRs. The big picture idea here is that VAST is a MLIR-based C/C++ compiler IR project that offers many layers of abstraction. Users of VAST then can pick the right abstractions for their analysis or transformation use-case. However, there are numerous valuable LLVM-based tools, and it would be unfortunate if we couldn’t use them with our higher-level MLIR representation. This is precisely why we developed the Tower of IRs. It enables users to bridge low-level analysis with high-level abstractions. The Tower of IRs introduces a mechanism that allows users to take snapshots of IR between and after transformations and link them together, creating a chain of provenance. This way, when a piece of code changes, there’s always a chain of references back to the original input. The keen reader already has a grin on their face. The demo use case Henrich presented was repurposing LLVM analyses in MLIR by using the tower to bring the input C source all the way down to LLVM, perform a dependency analysis, and translate analysis results all the way back to C via the provenance links in the tower. Along with Henrich, Robert Konicar presented the starchy fruits of his student labor in the form of PoTATo. The project implements a simple MLIR dialect tailored towards implementing points-to analyses. The idea is to translate memory operations from a source dialect to the PoTATo dialect, do some basic optimizations, and then run a points-to analysis of your choosing, yielding alias sets. To get relevant information back to the original code, one could of course use the VAST Tower of IRs. The results that Robert presented on his poster were promising: applying basic copy-propagation before points-to analysis significantly reduced the problem size. AI Corridor talks Besides attending the official talks and workshops, the Trail of Bits envoys spent a lot of time chatting with people during breaks and at the banquet. The undercurrent of many of those conversations was AI and machine learning in all of its various forms. Because EuroLLVM focuses on languages, compilers, and hardware runtimes, the conversations usually took the form of “how do we best serve this new computing paradigm?”. The hardware people are interested in how to generate code for specialized accelerators; the compiler crowd is optimizing linear algebra in every way imaginable; and languages are doing their best to meet data scientists where they are. Discussions about projects that went the other way—that is, “How can machine learning help people in the LLVM crowd?”—were few and far between. These projects typically did research into various data gathered in the domains around LLVM in order to make sense out of them using machine learning methods. From what we could see, things like LLMs and GANs were not really mentioned in any way. Seems like an opportunity for fresh ideas!
Categories: Security Posts

Unveiling SpiceRAT: SneakyChef's latest tool targeting EMEA and Asia

Cisco Talos - Fri, 2024/06/21 - 14:00
  • Cisco Talos discovered a new remote access trojan (RAT) dubbed SpiceRAT, used by the threat actor SneakyChef in a recent campaign targeting government agencies in EMEA and Asia. 
  • We observed that SneakyChef launched a phishing campaign, sending emails delivering SugarGh0st and SpiceRAT with the same email address. 
  • We identified two infection chains used to deliver SpiceRAT utilizing LNK and HTA files as the initial attack vectors. 
Cisco Talos would like to thank the Yahoo! Paranoids Advanced Cyber Threats Team for their collaboration in this investigation. SneakyChef delivered SpiceRAT to target Angola government with lures from Turkmenistan news agency Talos recently revealed SneakyChef’s continuing campaign targeting government agencies across several countries in EMEA and Asia, delivering the SugarGh0st malware (read the corresponding research here). However, we found a new malware we dubbed “SpiceRAT” was also delivered in this campaign.  SneakyChef is using a name "ala de Emissão do Edifício B Mutamba" and the email address “dtti.edb@[redated]” to send several phishing emails with at least 28 different RAR file attachments to deliver either SugarGh0st or SpiceRAT. One of the decoy PDFs that we analysed in this campaign was dropped by a RAR archive, delivered as an attachment in the emails likely targeted Angolan government agencies. The decoy PDF contained lures from the Turkmenistan state-owned news media “ТУРКМЕНСКАЯ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННАЯ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСКАЯ СЛУЖБА” (Neytralnyy Turkmenistan), indicating that the actor has likely downloaded the PDF from their official website. We also found that a similar decoy PDF from the same news agency was dropped by the RAR archive that delivered the SugarGh0st malware in this campaign, highlighting that SneakyChef has SugarGh0st RAT and SpiceRAT payloads in their arsenal.   Decoy PDF samples of SugarGh0st and SpiceRAT attacks.Two infection chains Talos discovered two infection chains employed by SneakyChef to deploy SpiceRAT. Both infection chains involved multiple stages launched by an HTA or LNK file.  LNK-based infection chain  The LNK-based infection chain begins with a malicious RAR file that contains a Windows shortcut file (LNK) and a hidden folder. This folder contains multiple components, including a malicious executable launcher, a legitimate executable, a malicious DLL loader, an encrypted SpiceRAT masquerading as a legitimate help file (.HLP) and a decoy PDF. The table below shows an example of the components of this attack chain and the description.  File Name Description 2024-01-17.pdf.lnk Malicious shortcut file  LaunchWlnApp.exe Windows EXE to open decoy PDF and run a legitimate EXE dxcap.exe Benign executable to side-load the malicious DLL ssMUIDLL.dll Malicious DLL loader CGMIMP32.HLP Encrypted SpiceRAT  Microsoftpdf.pdf Decoy PDF   When the victim extracts the RAR file, it drops the LNK and a hidden folder on their machine. After a victim opens the shortcut file, which masqueraded as a PDF document, it executes an embedded command to run the malicious launcher executable from the dropped hidden folder.  Sample LNK file that starts the malicious launcher EXE.This malicious launcher executable is a 32-bit binary compiled on Jan. 2, 2024. When launched by the shortcut file, it reads the victim machine’s environment variable, the execution path of the legitimate executable and the path of the decoy PDF document and runs them using the API ShellExecuteW.  Sample function that starts the legitimate EXE and opens the decoy document.The legitimate file is one of the components of SpiceRAT infection, which will sideload the malicious DLL loader to decrypt and launch the SpiceRAT payload.  HTA-based infection chain The HTA-based infection chain also begins with a RAR archive delivered with the email. The RAR file contains a malicious HTA file. When the victim runs the malicious HTA file, the embedded malicious Visual Basic script executes and drops the embedded base64-encoded downloader binary into the victim’s user profile temporary folder, disguised as a text file named “Microsoft.txt.” After dropping the malicious downloader executable, the HTA file executes another function, which drops and executes a Windows batch file in the victim’s user profile temporary folder, named “Microsoft.bat.”  The malicious batch file performs the following operations on the victim’s machine: 
  • The certutil command decodes the base64-encoded binary data from “Microsoft.txt” and saves it as “Microsoft.exe” in the victim’s user profile temporary folder.  
certutil -decode %temp%\\Microsoft.txt %temp%\\Microsoft.exe
  • It creates a Windows scheduled task that runs the malicious downloader every five minutes, supressing any warnings that it triggers when the same task name existed.  
schtasks /create /tn MicrosoftEdgeUpdateTaskMachineClSAN /tr %temp%\\Microsoft.exe /sc minute -mo 5 /F 
  • The batch script creates another Windows task named “MicrosoftDeviceSync” to run a downloaded legitimate executable “ChromeDriver.exe” every 10 minutes.  
schtasks /create /tn MicrosoftDeviceSync /tr C:\\ProgramData\\Chrome\\ChromeDirver.exe /sc minute -mo 10 /F 
  • After establishing persistence with the Windows scheduled task, the batch script runs three other commands to erase the infection markers. This includes deleting the Windows task named MicrosoftDefenderUpdateTaskMachineClSAN and removing the encoded downloader “Microsoft.txt,” the malicious HTA file, and any other contents unpacked from the RAR file attachment.  
schtasks /delete /f /tn MicrosoftDefenderUpdateTaskMachineClSAN del /f /q %temp%\\Microsoft.txt %temp%\\Microsoft.hta del %0  The malicious downloader is a 32-bit executable compiled on March 5, 2024. After running on the victim’s machine through the Windows task MicrosoftEdgeUpdateTaskMachineClSAN, it downloads a malicious archive file “chromeupdate.zip” from an attacker-controlled server through a hardcoded URL and unpacks its contents into the folder at “C:\ProgramData\Chrome”. The unpacked files are the components of SpiceRAT.  A sample function of the malicious downloader.Analysis of SpiceRAT Both infection chains eventually drop the SpiceRAT files into victim machines. The SpiceRAT files include four main components: a legitimate executable file, a malicious DLL loader, an encrypted payload and the downloaded plugins.  The loader components of SpiceRAT Legitimate executable The threat actor is using a legitimate executable (named “RunHelp.exe”) as a launcher to sideload the malicious DLL loader file (ssMUIDLL.dll). This legitimate executable is a Samsung RunHelp application signed with the certificate of "Samsung Electronics CO., LTD.” In some instances, it has been observed masquerading as “dxcap.exe,” a DirectX diagnostic included with Visual Studio, and “ChromeDriver.exe,” an executable that Selenium WebDriver uses to control the Google Chrome web browser. File properties and digital signature details of the legitimate executable.The legitimate Samsung helper application typically loads a DLL called “ssMUIDLL.dll.” In this attack, the threat actor abuses the application by sideloading a malicious DLL loader that is masquerading as the legitimate DLL and executes its exported function GetFulllangFileNamew2. Sample function that side-loads the malicious DLL.Malicious DLL loader The malicious loader is a 32-bit DLL compiled on Jan. 2, 2024. When its exported function GetFullLangFileNameW2() is run, it copies the downloaded legitimate executable into the folder "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\data\” as “dxcap.exe” along with the malicious DLL “ssMUIDLL.dll” and the encrypted SpiceRAT payload “CGMIMP32.HLP.”  A sample function copies the SpiceRAT components.It executes the schtasks command to create a Windows task named “Microsoft Update,” configured to run “dxcap.exe” every two minutes. This technique establishes persistence at multiple locations on the victim's machine to maintain resilience.     schtasks  -CreAte -sC minute -mo 2 -tn "Microsoft Update" -tr "C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\data\dxcap.exe"  A sample function that creates Windows task.Then the loader DLL takes the snapshot of the running processes in the victim machine and checks if the legitimate executable that sideloads this malicious DLL is being debugged by querying its process information using “NtQueryInformationProcess.” The loader DLL executes another function that loads the encrypted file “CGMIMP32.HLP,” which is masquerading as a legitimate Windows help file into memory and decrypts it using the RC4 encryption algorithm. In one of the samples, we found that the DLL used a key phrase “{11AADC32-A303-41DC-BF82-A28332F36A2E}” for decrypting SpiceRAT in memory. After decryption, the loader DLL injects and runs the SpiceRAT from memory to its parent process “dxcap.exe.”  A sample function that decrypts the SpiceRAT in memory.The SpiceRAT payloads Talos discovered that SneakyChef has employed SpiceRAT and its plugin as the payloads in this campaign. With the capability to download and run executable binaries and arbitrary commands, SpiceRAT significantly increases the attack surface on the victim’s network, paving the way for further attacks.  SpiceRAT is a 32-bit Windows executable with three malicious export functions GetFullLangFileNameW2, WinHttpPostShare and WinHttpFreeShareFree. Initially, it executes the GetFullLangFileNameW2 function, creating a mutex as an infection marker on the victim machine. The mutex name is hardcoded in the RAT binary. We spotted two different mutex names among the SpiceRAT samples that we analyzed: 
  • {00866F68-6C46-4ABD-A8D6-2246FE482F99}  
  • {00861111-3333-4ABD-GGGG-2246FE482F99} 
After the Mutex is created, the RAT collects reconnaissance data from the victim’s machine, including the operating system’s version number, hostname, username, IP address and the system’s network card hardware address (MAC address). The reconnaissance data is then encrypted and stored in the machine’s memory. A sample function that encrypts the reconnaissance data in memory.During runtime, the RAT loads the WININET.dll file and imports the addresses of its functions to prepare for C2 communication.  A sample function that loads the APIs of WININET.dll.Once the function addresses of WININET.dll are imported, the RAT executes the WinHttpPostShare function to communicate with the C2. It connects to the C2 server with a hardcoded URL in the binary and through the HTTP POST method.      Then, it attempts to read and send the encrypted stream of reconnaissance data and user credentials from memory to the C2 server. The C2 server responds with an encrypted message enclosed with HTML tags in the format “<HTML><encrypted Response> </HTML>”. The RAT decrypts the response and writes them into the memory stream.  We discovered that the C2 server sends an encrypted stream of binary to the RAT. The RAT decrypts the binary stream into a DLL file in the memory and executes its exported functions. The decrypted DLL functions as a plugin to the SpiceRAT.   Sample function of SpiceRAT executing the export functions of plugin. SpiceRAT plugin enables further attacks  SpiceRAT plugin is a 32-bit dynamic link library compiled on March 28, 2023. The plugin has an original filename “Moudle.dll” and has two export functions: Download and RunPE. The Download function of the plugin appears to access decrypted response data from the C2 server stored in the victim’s memory and writes them into a file on disk, likely as commanded by the C2.  The downloader function of SpiceRAT plugin.The RunPE function appears to execute arbitrary commands or binaries that were likely sent from C2 using the WinExec API.  A sample function to run a PE file. C2 communications SneakyChef’s infrastructure includes the malware’s download and command and control (C2) servers. In one attack, the threat actor hosted a malicious ZIP archive on the server 45[.]144[.]31[.]57 and hardcoded the following URL in a malicious downloader executable.  http://45[.]144[.]31[.]57:80/S1VRB0HpMXR79eStog35igWKVTsdbx/chromeupdate.zipserversWe observed that the threat actor used IP addresses and domain names to connect to the C2 servers in different samples of SpiceRAT in this campaign. Our research uncovered various C2 URLs hardcoded in SpiceRAT samples.  
  • hxxp[://]94[.]198[.]40[.]4/homepage/index.aspx 
  • hxxp[://]stock[.]adobe-service[.]net/homepage/index.aspx 
  • hxxp[://]app[.]turkmensk[.]org[/]homepage[/]index.aspx 
One of the C2 servers, 94[.]198[.]40[.]4, was found to be running Windows Server 2016 and hosted on the M247 network, which is frequently abused by APT groups. Passive DNS resolution data indicate that the IP address 94[.]198[.]40[.]4 resolved to the domain app[.]turkmensk[.]org and we found another SpiceRAT sample in the wild that communicated with this domain.  Further analysis of the C2 server 94[.]198[.]40[.]4 uncovered a unique C2 communication pattern of SpiceRAT. The SpiceRAT initially sends the encrypted reconnaissance data to the C2 URL through the HTTP POST method. The C2 server then responds with an encrypted message embedded in the HTML tags.   We observed that the SpiceRAT and its C2 servers use a three-byte prefix for their first three requests and responses, as shown in the table below.  SpiceRAT requests prefix C2 server response prefix 0x31716d (ascii = 1qm) 0x31476d (ascii = 1Gm) 0x32716d (ascii = 2qm) 0x32476d (ascii = 2Gm) 0x33716d (ascii = 3qm) 0x33476d (ascii = 3Gm)   Our analysis suggests that the second request that SpiceRAT sends likely contains the encrypted stream of the victim’s machine user credentials. We found that for the third request that SpiceRAT sends from the victim machine, the C2 server responds with an encrypted stream of the SpiceRAT’s plugin binary. SpiceRAT then decrypts and injects the plugin DLL reflectively.  Once the plugin is downloaded and implanted on the victim’s machine, SpiceRAT sends another request with the prefix “wG.” The C2 server responds with an unencrypted message “<HTML>D_OK<HTML>”, likely to get a confirmation of successful payload download.  TTPs overlap with other malware campaigns  Talos assesses with medium confidence that the actor SneakyChef, using SpiceRAT and SugarGh0st RAT is a Chinese-speaking actor based of the language observed in the artifacts and overlapping TTPs with other malware campaigns.  In this campaign, we saw that SpiceRAT leverages the sideloading technique, utilizing a legitimate loader alongside a malicious loader and the encrypted payload. Although sideloading is a widely adopted tactic, technique and procedure (TTP), the choice to use the Samsung helper application to sideload the malicious DLL masquerading “ssMUIDLL.dll” file is particularly notable. This method has been previously observed in the PlugX and SPIVY RAT campaigns. Coverage  Cisco Secure Endpoint (formerly AMP for Endpoints) is ideally suited to prevent the execution of the malware detailed in this post. Try Secure Endpoint for free here. Cisco Secure Web Appliance web scanning prevents access to malicious websites and detects malware used in these attacks. Cisco Secure Email (formerly Cisco Email Security) can block malicious emails sent by threat actors as part of their campaign. You can try Secure Email for free hereCisco Secure Firewall (formerly Next-Generation Firewall and Firepower NGFW) appliances such as Threat Defense Virtual, Adaptive Security Appliance and Meraki MX can detect malicious activity associated with this threat. Cisco Secure Malware Analytics (Threat Grid) identifies malicious binaries and builds protection into all Cisco Secure products. Umbrella, Cisco's secure internet gateway (SIG), blocks users from connecting to malicious domains, IPs and URLs, whether users are on or off the corporate network. Sign up for a free trial of Umbrella hereCisco Secure Web Appliance (formerly Web Security Appliance) automatically blocks potentially dangerous sites and tests suspicious sites before users access them. Additional protections with context to your specific environment and threat data are available from the Firewall Management CenterCisco Duo provides multi-factor authentication for users to ensure only those authorized are accessing your network. Open-source Snort Subscriber Rule Set customers can stay up to date by downloading the latest rule pack available for purchase on Snort.org. Snort SID for this threat is 63538. ClamAV detections are also available for this threat: Win.Trojan.SpiceRAT-10031450-0 Win.Trojan.SpiceRATPlugin-10031560-0 Win.Trojan.SpiceRATLauncher-10031652-0 Win.Trojan.SpiceRATLauncherEXE-10032013-0 Indicators of Compromise Indicators of Compromise associated with this threat can be found here
Categories: Security Posts

SneakyChef espionage group targets government agencies with SugarGh0st and more infection techniques

Cisco Talos - Fri, 2024/06/21 - 14:00
  • Cisco Talos recently discovered an ongoing campaign from SneakyChef, a newly discovered threat actor using SugarGh0st malware, as early as August 2023.  
  • In the newly discovered campaign, we observed a wider scope of targets spread across countries in EMEA and Asia, compared with previous observations that mainly targeted South Korea and Uzbekistan.   
  • SneakyChef uses lures that are scanned documents of government agencies, most of which are related to various countries’ Ministries of Foreign Affairs or embassies. 
  • Beside the two infection chains disclosed by Talos in November, we discovered an additional infection chain using SFX RAR files to deliver SugarGh0st.  
  • The language used in the SFX sample in this campaign reinforces our previous assertion that the actor is Chinese speaking.   
Cisco Talos would like to thank the Yahoo! Paranoids Advanced Cyber Threats Team for their collaboration in this investigation. SneakyChef actor profile In early August 2023, Talos discovered a campaign using the SugarGh0st RAT to target users in Uzbekistan and South Korea. We continued to observe new activities using the same malware to target users in a wider geographical location. Therefore, we created an actor profile for the group and dubbed them “SneakyChef.” Talos assesses with medium confidence that SneakyChef operators are likely Chinese-speaking based on their language preferences, the usage of the variants of Gh0st RAT — a popular malware among various Chinese-speaking actors — and the specific targets, which includes the Ministry of Foreign affairs of various countries and other government entities. Talos also discovered another RAT dubbed “SpiceRAT” used in the campaign. Read the corresponding research here.Targets across EMEA and Asia Talos assess with low confidence that the following government agencies are the potential targets in this campaign based on the contents of the decoy documents: 
  • Ministry of Foreign affairs of Angola 
  • Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources of Angola  
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Angola 
  • Ministry of Foreign affairs of Turkmenistan 
  • Ministry of Foreign affairs of Kazakhstan 
  • Ministry of Foreign affairs of India 
  • Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Abu Dhabi 
  • Ministry of Foreign affairs of Latvia  
Most of the decoy documents we found in this campaign are scanned documents of government agencies, which do not appear to be available on the internet. During our research, we observed and analyzed various decoy documents with government-and research conference-themed lures in this campaign. We are sharing a few samples of the decoy documents accordingly. Lures targeting Southern African countries The threat actor has used decoy documents impersonating the Ministry of Foreign affairs of Angola. The lure content in one of the sample documents appeared to be a circular from the Angolan Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources about a debt conciliation meeting between the ministry authority and a financial advisory company.  Another document contained information about a legal decree concerning state or public assets and their disposal. This document appealed to anyone interested in legal affairs and public heritage regimes and was addressed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – MIREX, a centralized institution in Luanda.     Lures targeting Central Asian countries The decoy documents used in the attacks likely targeting countries in Central Asia were either impersonating the Ministry of Foreign affairs of Turkmenistan or Kazakhstan. One of the lures is related to a meeting organized with the Turkmenistan embassy in Argentina and the heads of transportation and infrastructure of the Italian Republic. Another document was a report of planned events and the government-issued list of priorities to be addressed in the year 2024 that includes a formal proclamation-signing event between the Ministry of Defense of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Defense of Kazakhstan.      Lures targeting Middle Eastern countries A decoy document we observed in the attack likely targeting Middle Eastern countries was an official circular regarding the declaration of an official holiday for the Founding Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  Lures targeting Southern Asian countries We found another sample that was likely used to target the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It has decoy documents, including an Indian passport application form, along with a copy of an Aadhar card, a document that serves as proof of identity in India.       One of the decoy Word documents we observed contained lures related to India-U.S. relations, including a list of events involving interactions between India’s prime minister and the U.S. president. Lures targeting European countries A decoy document found in a sample likely targeting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia was a circular impersonating the Embassy of Lithuania. It contained a lure document regarding an announcement of an ambassador’s absence and their replacement. Other targets Along with the government-themed decoy document samples we analyzed, we observed a few other samples from these campaigns. These included decoys such as an application form to register for a conference run by the Universal Research Cluster (URC) and a research paper abstract of the ICCSE international conference. We also saw a few other decoys related to other conference invitations and details, including those for the Political Science and International Relations conference.       Recently, Proofpoint researchers reported a SugarGh0st campaign targeting an organization in the U.S. involved in artificial intelligence across academia, the private technology sector, and government services, highlighting the wider adoption of SugarGh0st RAT in targeting various business verticals. Threat actor continues to leverage old and new C2 domains After Talos’ initial disclosure of SugarGh0st campaign in November 2023, we are attributing the past attacks to the newly named threat actor SneakyChef. Despite our disclosure, SneakyChef continued to use the C2 domain we mentioned and deployed the new samples in the following months after our blog post. Most of the samples observed in this campaign communicate with the C2 domain account[.]drive-google-com[.]tk, consistent with their previous campaign. Based on Talos’ Umbrella records, resolutions to the C2 domain were still observed until mid-May.  DNS requests for the SugarGh0st C2 domain. Talos also observed the new domain account[.]gommask[.]online, reported by Proofpoint as being used by SugarGh0st. The domain was created in March 2024, and queries were observed through April 21.  Infection chain abuse SFX RAR as the initial attack vector With Talos’ first reporting of the SugarGh0st campaign in November, we disclosed two infection chains that utilized a malicious RAR with an LNK file, likely delivered via phishing email. In the newly observed campaign, in addition to the old infection chains, we discovered a different technique from a few malicious RAR samples.  The threat actor is using an SFX RAR as the initial vector in this attack. When a victim runs the executable, the SFX script executes to drop a decoy document, DLL loader, encrypted SugarGh0st, and a malicious VB script into the victim’s user profile temporary folder and executes the malicious VB script.  The malicious VB script establishes persistence by writing the command to the registry key UserInitMprLogonScript which executes when a user belonging to either a local workgroup or domain logs into the system.  Registry key Value HKCU\Environment\UserInitMprLogonScript regsvr32.exe /s %temp%\update.dll  When a user logs into the system, the command runs and launches the loader DLL “update.dll” using regsvr32.exe. The loader reads the encrypted SugarGg0st RAT “authz.lib”, decrypts it and injects it into a process. This technique is same as that of the SugarGh0st campaign disclosed by the Kazakhstan government in February. Coverage Cisco Secure Endpoint (formerly AMP for Endpoints) is ideally suited to prevent the execution of the malware detailed in this post. Try Secure Endpoint for free here. Cisco Secure Web Appliance web scanning prevents access to malicious websites and detects malware used in these attacks. Cisco Secure Email (formerly Cisco Email Security) can block malicious emails sent by threat actors as part of their campaign. You can try Secure Email for free hereCisco Secure Firewall (formerly Next-Generation Firewall and Firepower NGFW) appliances such as Threat Defense Virtual, Adaptive Security Appliance and Meraki MX can detect malicious activity associated with this threat. Cisco Secure Malware Analytics (Threat Grid) identifies malicious binaries and builds protection into all Cisco Secure products. Umbrella, Cisco's secure internet gateway (SIG), blocks users from connecting to malicious domains, IPs and URLs, whether users are on or off the corporate network. Sign up for a free trial of Umbrella hereCisco Secure Web Appliance (formerly Web Security Appliance) automatically blocks potentially dangerous sites and tests suspicious sites before users access them. Additional protections with context to your specific environment and threat data are available from the Firewall Management CenterCisco Duo provides multi-factor authentication for users to ensure only those authorized are accessing your network. Open-source Snort Subscriber Rule Set customers can stay up to date by downloading the latest rule pack available for purchase on Snort.org. Snort SID for this threat is 62647. ClamAV detections are also available for this threat: Win.Trojan.SugarGh0stRAT-10014937-0 Win.Tool.DynamicWrapperX-10014938-0 Txt.Loader.SugarGh0st_Bat-10014939-0 Win.Trojan.SugarGh0stRAT-10014940-0 Lnk.Dropper.SugarGh0stRAT-10014941-0 Js.Trojan.SugarGh0stRAT-10014942-1 Win.Loader.Ramnit-10014943-1 Win.Backdoor.SugarGh0stRAT-10014944-0 Win.Trojan.SugarGh0st-10030525-0 Win.Trojan.SugarGh0st-10030526-0 Orbital Queries Cisco Secure Endpoint users can use Orbital Advanced Search to run complex OSqueries to see if their endpoints are infected with this specific threat. For specific OSqueries related to this threat, please follow the links: Indicators of Compromise Indicators of Compromise associated with this threat can be found here 
Categories: Security Posts

The long-tail costs of a data breach – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

ESET - Fri, 2024/06/21 - 13:54
Understanding and preparing for the potential long-tail costs of data breaches is crucial for businesses that aim to mitigate the impact of security incidents
Categories: Security Posts

Update: emldump.py Version 0.0.14

Didier Stevens - Tue, 2024/06/18 - 13:36
This small update for emldump adds support for UTF8 files that start with a BOM. emldump_V0_0_14.zip (http)
MD5: 6DBA97A55A9BE0D94131F1F381868236
SHA256: 99E1254011C6738FC44E559B4A29A8D40C79822A946F853D12EF23E035CEE97B
Categories: Security Posts

Internet Safety Month: Keep Your Online Experience Safe and Secure

Webroot - Fri, 2024/05/31 - 17:38
What is Internet Safety Month? Each June, the online safety community observes Internet Safety Month as a time to reflect on our digital habits and ensure we’re taking the best precautions to stay safe online. It serves as a reminder for everyone—parents, teachers, and kids alike—to be mindful of our online activities and to take steps to protect ourselves. Why is it important? As summer approaches and we all pursue a bit more leisure time—that typically includes more screen time—it’s important to understand the risks and safeguard our digital well-being. While the Internet offers us countless opportunities, it also comes with risks that we must be aware of:
  • 37% of children and adolescents have been the target of cyberbullying.1
  • 50% of tweens (kids ages 10 to 12) have been exposed to inappropriate online content.2
  • 64% of Americans have experienced a data breach.3
  • 95% of cybersecurity breaches are due to human error.4
  • 30% of phishing emails are opened by targeted users.5
This makes Internet Safety Month the perfect time to review our digital habits and ensure that we are doing everything we can to stay safe. 7 tips to keep your online experience secure
  1. Protect your devices from malware
Malware is malicious software designed to harm your computer or steal your personal information. It can infect your device through malicious downloads, phishing emails, or compromised websites, leading to potential loss of access to your computer, data, photos, and other valuable files.

How to protect it
Install reputable antivirus software like Webroot on all your devices and keep it updated. Regularly scan your devices for malware and avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading unknown files. 2. Be skeptical of offers that appear too good to be true
If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. Scammers often use enticing offers or promotions to lure victims into sharing personal information or clicking on malicious links. These can lead to financial loss, identity theft, or installation of malware.

How to protect it
If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. Research the company or website before pursuing an offer or providing any personal information. 3. Monitor your identity for fraud activity Identity theft happens when someone swipes your personal information to commit fraud or other crimes. This can wreak havoc on your finances, tank your credit score, and bring about a host of other serious consequences. How to protect it
Consider using an identity protection service like Webroot Premium that monitors your personal information for signs of unauthorized use. Review your bank and credit card statements regularly for any unauthorized transactions. 4. Ensure your online privacy with a VPN
Without proper protection, your sensitive information—like passwords and credit card details—can be easily intercepted by cybercriminals while browsing. Surfing the web and using public Wi-Fi networks often lack security, giving hackers a prime opportunity to snatch your data. How to protect it
Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) when connecting to the internet. A VPN encrypts your internet traffic, making it unreadable to hackers. Choose a reputable VPN service and enable it whenever you connect to the internet. 5. Avoid clicking on links from unknown sources
Clicking on links in emails, text messages, or social media from unknown or suspicious sources can expose you to phishing attacks or malware. These seemingly harmless clicks can quickly compromise your security and personal information. How to protect it
Verify the sender’s identity before clicking on any links. Hover over links to see the actual URL before clicking. If you’re unsure about a link, type the company’s name directly into your browser instead. 6. Avoid malicious websites
Malicious websites are crafted to deceive you into downloading malware or revealing sensitive information. Visiting these sites can expose your device to viruses, phishing attempts, and other online threats, putting your security at risk. How to protect it
Install a web threat protection tool or browser extension that can block access to malicious websites. Products like Webroot Internet Security Plus and Webroot AntiVirus make it easy to avoid threatening websites with secure web browsing on your desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone. 7. Keep your passwords safe Weak or reused passwords can easily be guessed or cracked by attackers, compromising your online accounts. But keeping track of all your unique passwords can be difficult if you don’t have them stored securely in a password manager. If one account is compromised, attackers can gain access to your other accounts, potentially leading to identity theft or financial loss. How to protect your passwords
Use a password manager to create and store strong, unique passwords for each of your online accounts. A password manager encrypts your passwords and helps you automatically fill them in on websites, reducing the risk of phishing attacks and password theft. Take action now As we celebrate Internet Safety Month, take a moment to review your current online habits and security measures. Are you doing everything you can to protect yourself and your family? If not, now is the perfect time to make some changes. By following these tips, you can enjoy a safer and more secure online experience. Remember, Internet Safety Month is not just about protecting yourself—it’s also about spreading awareness and educating others. You can share this flyer, “9 Things to Teach Kids to Help Improve Online Safety,” with your friends and family to spread the word and help create a safer online community for everyone. Sources: [1] Forbes. The Ultimate Internet Safety Guide for Kids. [2] Forbes. The Ultimate Internet Safety Guide for Kids. [3] Pew Research Center [4] Information Week. What Cybersecurity Gets Wrong. [5] MIT. Learn how to avoid a phishing scam. The post Internet Safety Month: Keep Your Online Experience Safe and Secure appeared first on Webroot Blog.
Categories: Security Posts

2024 RSA Recap: Centering on Cyber Resilience

AlienVault Blogs - Thu, 2024/05/16 - 12:00
Cyber resilience is becoming increasingly complex to achieve with the changing nature of computing. Appropriate for this year’s conference theme, organizations are exploring “the art of the possible”, ushering in an era of dynamic computing as they explore new technologies. Simultaneously, as innovation expands and computing becomes more dynamic, more threats become possible – thus, the approach to securing business environments must also evolve. As part of this year’s conference, I led a keynote presentation around the possibilities, risks, and rewards of cyber tech convergence. We explored the risks and rewards of cyber technology convergence and integration across network & security operations. More specifically, we looked into the future of more open, adaptable security architectures, and what this means for security teams. LevelBlue Research Reveals New Trends for Cyber Resilience This year, we also launched the inaugural LevelBlue Futures™ Report: Beyond the Barriers to Cyber Resilience. Led by Theresa Lanowitz, Chief Evangelist of AT&T Cybersecurity / LevelBlue, we hosted an in-depth session based on our research that examined the complexities of dynamic computing. This included an analysis of how dynamic computing merges IT and business operations, taps into data-driven decision-making, and redefines cyber resilience for the modern era. Some of the notable findings she discussed include:
  • 85% of respondents say computing innovation is increasing risk, while 74% confirmed that the opportunity of computing innovation outweighs the corresponding increase in cybersecurity risk.
  • The adoption of Cybersecurity-as-a-Service (CSaaS) is on the rise, with 32% of organizations opting to outsource their cybersecurity needs rather than managing them in-house.
  • 66% of respondents share cybersecurity is an afterthought, while another 64% say cybersecurity is siloed. This isn’t surprising when 61% say there is a lack of understanding of cybersecurity at the board level.
Theresa was also featured live on-site discussing these findings with prominent cyber media in attendance. She emphasized what today’s cyber resilience barriers look like and what new resilience challenges are promised for tomorrow. Be sure to check out some of those interviews below. New Research from LevelBlue Reveals 2024 Cyber Resilience Trends – Theresa Lanowitz – RSA24 #2 LevelBlue & Enterprise Strategy Group: A Look at Cyber Resilience For access to the full LevelBlue Futures™ Report, download a complimentary copy here. * { box-sizing: border-box; } .rowPic { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; padding: 0 4px; } /* Create four equal columns that sits next to each other */ .columnPic{ flex: 50%; max-width: 50%; padding: 0 4px; } .columnPic img { margin-top: 8px; vertical-align: middle; } /* Responsive layout - makes a two column-layout instead of four columns */ @media (max-width: 800px) { .columnPic{ flex: 50%; max-width: 50%; } } /* Responsive layout - makes the two columns stack on top of each other instead of next to each other */ @media (max-width: 600px) { .columnPic { flex: 100%; max-width: 100%; } }
Categories: Security Posts

Sifting through the spines: identifying (potential) Cactus ransomware victims

Fox-IT - Thu, 2024/04/25 - 06:00
Authored by Willem Zeeman and Yun Zheng Hu This blog is part of a series written by various Dutch cyber security firms that have collaborated on the Cactus ransomware group, which exploits Qlik Sense servers for initial access. To view all of them please check the central blog by Dutch special interest group Cyberveilig Nederland [1] The effectiveness of the public-private partnership called Melissa [2] is increasingly evident. The Melissa partnership, which includes Fox-IT, has identified overlap in a specific ransomware tactic. Multiple partners, sharing information from incident response engagements for their clients, found that the Cactus ransomware group uses a particular method for initial access. Following that discovery, NCC Group’s Fox-IT developed a fingerprinting technique to identify which systems around the world are vulnerable to this method of initial access or, even more critically, are already compromised. Qlik Sense vulnerabilities Qlik Sense, a popular data visualisation and business intelligence tool, has recently become a focal point in cybersecurity discussions. This tool, designed to aid businesses in data analysis, has been identified as a key entry point for cyberattacks by the Cactus ransomware group. The Cactus ransomware campaign Since November 2023, the Cactus ransomware group has been actively targeting vulnerable Qlik Sense servers. These attacks are not just about exploiting software vulnerabilities; they also involve a psychological component where Cactus misleads its victims with fabricated stories about the breach. This likely is part of their strategy to obscure their actual method of entry, thus complicating mitigation and response efforts for the affected organizations. For those looking for in-depth coverage of these exploits, the Arctic Wolf blog [3] provides detailed insights into the specific vulnerabilities being exploited, notably CVE-2023-41266, CVE-2023-41265 also known as ZeroQlik, and potentially CVE-2023-48365 also known as DoubleQlik. Threat statistics and collaborative action The scope of this threat is significant. In total, we identified 5205 Qlik Sense servers, 3143 servers seem to be vulnerable to the exploits used by the Cactus group. This is based on the initial scan on 17 April 2024. Closer to home in the Netherlands, we’ve identified 241 vulnerable systems, fortunately most don’t seem to have been compromised. However, 6 Dutch systems weren’t so lucky and have already fallen victim to the Cactus group. It’s crucial to understand that “already compromised” can mean that either the ransomware has been deployed and the initial access artifacts left behind were not removed, or the system remains compromised and is potentially poised for a future ransomware attack. Since 17 April 2024, the DIVD (Dutch Institute for Vulnerability Disclosure) and the governmental bodies NCSC (Nationaal Cyber Security Centrum) and DTC (Digital Trust Center) have teamed up to globally inform (potential) victims of cyberattacks resembling those from the Cactus ransomware group. This collaborative effort has enabled them to reach out to affected organisations worldwide, sharing crucial information to help prevent further damage where possible. Identifying vulnerable Qlik Sense servers Expanding on Praetorian’s thorough vulnerability research on the ZeroQlik and DoubleQlik vulnerabilities [4,5], we found a method to identify the version of a Qlik Sense server by retrieving a file called product-info.json from the server. While we acknowledge the existence of Nuclei templates for the vulnerability checks, using the server version allows for a more reliable evaluation of potential vulnerability status, e.g. whether it’s patched or end of support. This JSON file contains the release label and version numbers by which we can identify the exact version that this Qlik Sense server is running. Figure 1: Qlik Sense product-info.json file containing version information Keep in mind that although Qlik Sense servers are assigned version numbers, the vendor typically refers to advisories and updates by their release label, such as “February 2022 Patch 3”. The following cURL command can be used to retrieve the product-info.json file from a Qlik server: curl -H "Host: localhost" -vk 'https://<ip>/resources/autogenerated/product-info.json?.ttf' Note that we specify ?.ttf at the end of the URL to let the Qlik proxy server think that we are requesting a .ttf file, as font files can be accessed unauthenticated. Also, we set the Host header to localhost or else the server will return 400 - Bad Request - Qlik Sense, with the message The http request header is incorrect. Retrieving this file with the ?.ttf extension trick has been fixed in the patch that addresses CVE-2023-48365 and you will always get a 302 Authenticate at this location response: > GET /resources/autogenerated/product-info.json?.ttf HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost > Accept: */* > < HTTP/1.1 302 Authenticate at this location < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate < Location: https://localhost/internal_forms_authentication/?targetId=2aa7575d-3234-4980-956c-2c6929c57b71 < Content-Length: 0 < Nevertheless, this is still a good way to determine the state of a Qlik instance, because if it redirects using 302 Authenticate at this location it is likely that the server is not vulnerable to CVE-2023-48365. An example response from a vulnerable server would return the JSON file: > GET /resources/autogenerated/product-info.json?.ttf HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost > Accept: */* > < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Set-Cookie: X-Qlik-Session=893de431-1177-46aa-88c7-b95e28c5f103; Path=/; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax; Secure < Cache-Control: public, max-age=3600 < Transfer-Encoding: chunked < Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8 < Expires: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 08:14:56 GMT < Last-Modified: Fri, 04 Nov 2022 23:28:24 GMT < Accept-Ranges: bytes < ETag: 638032013040000000 < Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0 < Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 07:14:55 GMT < Age: 136 < {"composition":{"contentHash":"89c9087978b3f026fb100267523b5204","senseId":"qliksenseserver:14.54.21","releaseLabel":"February 2022 Patch 12","originalClassName":"Composition","deprecatedProductVersion":"4.0.X","productName":"Qlik Sense","version":"14.54.21","copyrightYearRange":"1993-2022","deploymentType":"QlikSenseServer"}, <snipped> We utilised Censys and Google BigQuery [6] to compile a list of potential Qlik Sense servers accessible on the internet and conducted a version scan against them. Subsequently, we extracted the Qlik release label from the JSON response to assess vulnerability to CVE-2023-48365. Our vulnerability assessment for DoubleQlik / CVE-2023-48365 operated on the following criteria:
  1. The release label corresponds to vulnerability statuses outlined in the original ZeroQlik and DoubleQlik vendor advisories [7,8].
  2. The release label is designated as End of Support (EOS) by the vendor [9], such as “February 2019 Patch 5”.
We consider a server non-vulnerable if:
  1. The release label date is post-November 2023, as the advisory states that “November 2023” is not affected.
  2. The server responded with HTTP/1.1 302 Authenticate at this location.
Any other responses were disregarded as invalid Qlik server instances. As of 17 April 2024, and as stated in the introduction of this blog, we have detected 5205 Qlik Servers on the Internet. Among them, 3143 servers are still at risk of DoubleQlik, indicating that 60% of all Qlik Servers online remain vulnerable. Figure 2: Qlik Sense patch status for DoubleQlik CVE-2023-48365 The majority of vulnerable Qlik servers reside in the United States (396), trailed by Italy (280), Brazil (244), the Netherlands (241), and Germany (175). Figure 3: Top 20 countries with servers vulnerable to DoubleQlik CVE-2023-48365 Identifying compromised Qlik Sense servers Based on insights gathered from the Arctic Wolf blog and our own incident response engagements where the Cactus ransomware was observed, it’s evident that the Cactus ransomware group continues to redirect the output of executed commands to a True Type font file named qle.ttf, likely abbreviated for “qlik exploit”. Below are a few examples of executed commands and their output redirection by the Cactus ransomware group: whoami /all > ../Client/qmc/fonts/qle.ttf quser > ../Client/qmc/fonts/qle.ttf In addition to the qle.ttf file, we have also observed instances where qle.woff was used: Figure 4: Directory listing with exploitation artefacts left by Cactus ransomware group It’s important to note that these font files are not part of a default Qlik Sense server installation. We discovered that files with a font file extension such as .ttf and .woff can be accessed without any authentication, regardless of whether the server is patched. This likely explains why the Cactus ransomware group opted to store command output in font files within the fonts directory, which in turn, also serves as a useful indicator of compromise. Our scan for both font files, found a total of 122 servers with the indicator of compromise. The United States ranked highest in exploited servers with 49 online instances carrying the indicator of compromise, followed by Spain (13), Italy (11), the United Kingdom (8), Germany (7), and then Ireland and the Netherlands (6). Figure 5: Top 20 countries with known compromised Qlik Sense servers Out of the 122 compromised servers, 46 were not vulnerable anymore. When the indicator of compromise artefact is present on a remote Qlik Sense server, it can imply various scenarios. Firstly, it may suggest that remote code execution was carried out on the server, followed by subsequent patching to address the vulnerability (if the server is not vulnerable anymore). Alternatively, its presence could signify a leftover artefact from a previous security incident or unauthorised access. While the root cause for the presence of these files is hard to determine from the outside it still is a reliable indicator of compromise. Responsible disclosure by the DIVD
We shared our fingerprints and scan data with the Dutch Institute of Vulnerability Disclosure (DIVD), who then proceeded to issue responsible disclosure notifications to the administrators of the Qlik Sense servers. Call to action Ensure the security of your Qlik Sense installations by checking your current version. If your software is still supported, apply the latest patches immediately. For systems that are at the end of support, consider upgrading or replacing them to maintain robust security. Additionally, to enhance your defences, it’s recommended to avoid exposing these services to the entire internet. Implement IP whitelisting if public access is necessary, or better yet, make them accessible only through secure remote working solutions. If you discover you’ve been running a vulnerable version, it’s crucial to contact your (external) security experts for a thorough check-up to confirm that no breaches have occurred. Taking these steps will help safeguard your data and infrastructure from potential threats. References
  1. https://cyberveilignederland.nl/actueel/persbericht-samenwerkingsverband-melissa-vindt-diverse-nederlandse-slachtoffers-van-ransomwaregroepering-cactus
  2. https://www.ncsc.nl/actueel/nieuws/2023/oktober/3/melissa-samenwerkingsverband-ransomwarebestrijding
  3. https://arcticwolf.com/resources/blog/qlik-sense-exploited-in-cactus-ransomware-campaign/
  4. https://www.praetorian.com/blog/qlik-sense-technical-exploit/
  5. https://www.praetorian.com/blog/doubleqlik-bypassing-the-original-fix-for-cve-2023-41265/
  6. https://support.censys.io/hc/en-us/articles/360038759991-Google-BigQuery-Introduction
  7. https://community.qlik.com/t5/Official-Support-Articles/Critical-Security-fixes-for-Qlik-Sense-Enterprise-for-Windows/ta-p/2110801
  8. https://community.qlik.com/t5/Official-Support-Articles/Critical-Security-fixes-for-Qlik-Sense-Enterprise-for-Windows/ta-p/2120325
  9. https://community.qlik.com/t5/Product-Lifecycle/Qlik-Sense-Enterprise-on-Windows-Product-Lifecycle/ta-p/1826335
Categories: Security Posts

Cybersecurity Concerns for Ancillary Strength Control Subsystems

BreakingPoint Labs Blog - Thu, 2023/10/19 - 19:08
Additive manufacturing (AM) engineers have been incredibly creative in developing ancillary systems that modify a printed parts mechanical properties.  These systems mostly focus on the issue of anisotropic properties of additively built components.  This blog post is a good reference if you are unfamiliar with isotropic vs anisotropic properties and how they impact 3d printing.  […] The post Cybersecurity Concerns for Ancillary Strength Control Subsystems appeared first on BreakPoint Labs - Blog.
Categories: Security Posts

Update on Naked Security

Naked Security Sophos - Tue, 2023/09/26 - 12:00
To consolidate all of our security intelligence and news in one location, we have migrated Naked Security to the Sophos News platform.
Categories: Security Posts
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